Text Tools


Text Manipulation & Analysis

  • Tapor 3 links to masses of tools for text analysis, graph/network analysis, audio production software and more
  • TextSTAT-Simple Text Analysis Tool
  • edwordle EdWordle is a tool for editing "word clouds" based on Wordle which seems to have vanished. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source
  • Wordle a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source
  • Scrambler. People keep telling me how easy it is to read text in which the first and last letters of each word are in the correct place but the internal letters muddled. This lets you check. Poelpe keep tllineg me how easy it is to read txet in wcihh the fsirt and last ltrtees of each wrod are in the cecrort place but the ientrnal lrettes mddleud. This ltes you cechk.
